Contact Oscar Wilde's Irish Pub & Whiskey Bar

Our Address

Humboldtstraße 2-4
79098 Freiburg im Breisgau

Underground parking is available at the "Tiefgarage Universität Kollegiengebäude"

Contact Details

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sorry, but we currently do not have a telephone number & we do not take reservations.

Opening Hours / Öffnungszeiten

  • Montag / Monday
    14:00 - 00:00
  • Dienstag / Tuesday
    14:00 - 00:00
  • Mittwoch / Wednesday
    14:00 - 00:00
  • Donnerstag / Thursday
    14:00 - 00:00
  • Freitag / Friday
    14:00 - 02:00
  • Samstag / Saturday
    11:00 - 02:00
  • Sonntag / Sunday
    11:00 - 00:00

Oscar Wilde's Irish Pub & Whiskey Bar
Humboldtstraße 2-4
79098 Freiburg im Breisgau

Copyright ©2023 Oscar Wilde's

Our Sister pub: O'Kellys Irish Pub